April 9, 2019
This testimony comes from Nathan Beechum, a long time attender of Calvary. Read his story below:
My testimony has many seasons of pain and struggle in which the Lord had His hand in each season. Though the Lord has managed to give me many accomplishments and gifts that I use today. I grew up as a Calvary Kid from around 1999 to 2004 at the North Campus, I remember being eager to learn about the Lord and his Love.
One day I was at home with my Nana, Sandra Beechum (who I forever give thanks to for teaching me who the Lord is) and as I went to tell her about the passage I had recently read, she told me that one day I was gonna be a preacher. I was 5 at the time! I never knew what that could mean until this year!
I haven’t been to Calvary in over 10 years, that gap in between consisted of many trials that I faced without faith in the Lord, I was lost in many bad things and people that were heavily involved in drugs, alcohol, gang violence and all my friends were in and out of jail. Luckily I didn’t get caught, little did I know God had a better plan, as I was losing my friends to the streets and to sin I finally was fed up and to the end of my rope!
Last July I woke up one morning and I was tired of the way I was living as the absence of Jesus starved my soul. The Holy Spirit led me back home to Calvary, after service I walked right up to Pastor Tim as his face brightened with joy and wrapped his big, loving arms around me and asked how I’ve been, I looked at him with a few tears trembling in my eyes, I didn’t answer and he held me tighter and prayed. From that moment on, the Lord has sustained me with His grace. The Lord has blessed me with a better job, I was baptized in November, I became a member, I serve on the Security team and the Lord has me full force ahead!
I hope to further advance this church body that I’m so deeply rooted in and love so much! I can now say that I have been saved, by grace, through faith for good works! Thank you Calvary family for welcoming me back with open arms and Glory be to our God for sustaining a lost and miserable child such as myself!
-Nate Beechum
If you would like to share your testimony on a future “Testimony Tuesday” LET US KNOW. You never know how your story may help encourage someone else’s day.
If you have a prayer request you can submit them HERE