Calvary Church Outreach exists to share the transforming truth of God’s love in word and deed. This ministry encourages the support of missions and relief programs in areas of need throughout the world. Utilizing the tremendous potential of our local church family to fulfill the mission, we inspire believers to share the promise of life and hope to others.
World and Home Missions
Focus on bringing the Good News of the Gospel and aid to people with action and words through Christian organizations and individuals.
Building Church Facilities
Partnering with national pastors in building facilities for new congregations for worship, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, providing medical attention and housing orphan children.
Supporting, promoting and getting involved in other Christian organizations to advance their kingdom work.
Short Term Mission Trips
Providing opportunities for short term mission trips.
For those who find themselves in need of temporary funds or food due to unforeseen emergencies, because of sickness or unemployment.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ.
Two local chapters are supported monthly, Three Rivers FCA and Mississippi Valley FCA.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
College student ministry at Augustana. Vision “Lives Transformed, College campuses renewed, world changers developed” through discipleship, training, sharing the gospel, service.
Meagan Gottcent leads the Augustana College Intervarsity and Makenzie Harmon leads Intervarsity at BlackHawk College.
Pregnancy Resources
Free and confidential pregnancy services, by appointment. Locations in Moline and Davenport offering pregnancy tests, education, counseling, maternity clothes and referrals. Pregnancy Resources does not offer abortion services or abortion referrals.
Life House Ranch
LifeHouse exists to provide an encouraging and safe environment to empower women on a journey to seek improvement in their health and give them hope and freedom from strongholds through education and spiritual direction so they can find their purpose through Christ and live a productive and addiction-free life.
Safe Families for Children
Biblicial hospitality through the faith community. Safe Families for hosts vulnerable children and creates extended family–like supports for desperate families through a community of devoted volunteers who are motivated by compassion to keep children safe and families intact.
Women’s Choice Center
Pregnancy testing, ultrasound, education, counseling, referrals. They do not perform, nor refer for abortions.
World Relief – Quad Cities
Non-profit agency providing services to refugees and immigrants in Western Illinois and Eastern Iowa. Immigration legal services, initial resettlement, employment for refugees. Our mission is to serve vulnerable populations in and through a partnership with local churches, agencies, and the community-at-large.

AG World Missions
Missionaries planting churches in Eurasia. Raising up church planting teams, ministering to university students, helping victims of human trafficking, developing other avenues for Christian education.
Another Child Foundation
Reaching, teaching and transforming the lives of orphaned and at-risk children in Romania.
Casas Por Cristo
Building homes in Acuna, MX, Juarez, MX, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Calvary Church is planning on sending a team this summer to Nicaragua. If you would like more information on this trip call the church office.
Child Arise – Kenya
Caring for widows and orphans in Mbooni, Kenya, assisting them with prayer support, evangelism and discipleship training, Bible study, food, school uniforms, school supplies, school fees, clean water and medical attention.
Christ Care and Cure Ministries
Building more churches in India, caring for widows and orphans, training up national leaders and educating about 400 children and teaching them about Jesus and His Word.
Faith Christian Church Campus Ministries
Reaching college students at the University of Arizona with the Gospel, discipling them according to the Word of God under the authority of the local church.
International Christian Concern
Providing support for underground pastors and persecuted churches around the world.
International Development and Educational Associates
Demonstrating love by serving forgotten and overlooked people, meeting their social, intellectual, physical and spiritual needs through education, community development, agriculture, health and wellness, business.
Legacy Home – Dustin and Dawn DeBoef
Bringing love, hope and faith into the lives of children left behind due to no fault of their own. Calvary Church of Legaspi City was founded in 2011 by Calvary Church of the Quad Cities. Church sits on Legacy Home property.
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Support for indigenous churches and local evangelists, creating access to medical care, providing disaster relief, and make community development projects possible … in some of the most remote places on earth.
Reach Beyond
Working with Joy FM radio to reach the non-believing majority in the city of Arad.
ELIM Fellowship
Christian education, missionaries to Niger, Africa for over 40 years. Planting churches, raising up pastors. Their son Neal is serving under the name of RUN International /VieAbondante and is also planting churches and raising his family in Niger.
SEND International
Missionary appointees to Japan, part of church planting team. Alex’s focus on student ministry, Laura will teach English as a second language through the local church, focus on elementary age.
Wells 4 Wellness
Non-Profit based in Moline IL, that is committed to funding and placing wells in the extremely impoverished nation of Niger.
Christian humanitarian organization serving the physical and spiritual needs of impoverished communities around the world. Calvary’s partnership with WorldHelp is planting churches in China.